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San Angelo Floor & Prize Money Checks

A quick update from the San Angelo Stock Show and Rodeo. Our staff is currently working from home, but working none the less to be sure we get our exhibitors and you all the information you need. Here are a few updates regarding things we are currently processing for you all.

 #1- Floor and Prize Money checks will be sent to the SCHOOL/4-H Office like normal. These are being postmarked THURSDAY, MARCH 26 from San Angelo, Texas. Most places should receive them anywhere from one to probably five business days from then.

We are aware many of your schools/offices may be closed, but we simply cannot mail the 3,000 checks directly to the exhibitors due to a high percentage of returned mail for bad addresses. Please do your best to work with the folks that check to your mail to get these to a SAFE place until you can get them. We are fully aware our checks say void after 90 days, and are working with our bank to get this extended for this year.

Please understand we are not trying to put more work on you all at this time, but feel like this is our best option after much consideration and thought.

#2- Thank You Lists to exhibitors that made the premium sale will be directly to the exhibitor’s home address on Thursday, March 26. With there being significantly less students, we take this approach, as we always have. Exhibitors are NOT required to mail us a copy of their thank you notes. We trust they will handle it appropriately.

#3- Premium Sale Checks- will be mailed directly to the exhibitors hopefully by late April. We will have any returned mail from the Thank You lists we send out to hopefully get corrected before those mail. Again, this is our typical practice on these too, as some years it is mid-May before we can pay those, and we don’t want to chance them getting left at a school over summer.

#4- Breed Sale checks were mailed directly to exhibitors that received them around the 10th of March. Anyone that has not received one should check with our office.
#5- Please be aware we will share this information with families on social media. The message will be one asking for patience, as several counties throughout the state are now practicing “Shelter in place.”