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CCJLSA Scholarship - Due March 16

CCJLSA Scholarship Rules & Guidelines due March 16, 2020

  • Applicant's family are members of the CCJLSA by Dec. 1 each year the student exhibited.
  • Applicant's are members in good standing in the FFA or 4-H at the time of application.
  • Applicant's participated as exhibitors in the show for at least 2 years during high school.
  • Applicant must have participated in operation of the Concession stand, or another part of the Show & Sale process, during the Stock Show and Sale each year they exhibited in the show during their high school years. Students should collect documentation for the activities in which they participated. The following information is required: (1) Student Name and Club Affiliation, (2) Signature of Adult in charge of concession stand, or any activity in which the student actively participated to assist the CCJLSA. 
Contact Victoria Grissom for more information at 830-620-3440 or


The CCJLSA President will appoint a committee to review and select scholarship winners. Scholarship
recipients will be selected from applications received from FFA Booster Clubs and the 4-H Extension
office. If the schools and 4H program do not fulfill their 3 scholarships, the unfulfilled scholarships will
be placed in a pool. The remaining scholarships will be awarded to those students who qualify based on
a ranking system but were not selected in the first round of awards. Winners’ names will be given to the
organizations for recognition at their Awards programs. The recipients are then required to turn in a
copy of their tuition payment for the fall or spring semester from the school they are attending and a
thank-you note to the association in order to receive payment. Expiration of this scholarship award is
April 1st of the following year the award is originally made.