requirements include:
- Be in at least the 9th grade at beginning of the
2020-2021 school year
- Submit completed application to the local county
extension office by May 1, 2020
- Have an interest and passion to serve others in the area
of health education which includes nutrition, physical activity, passenger
safety, and safe environments!
After youth are accepted to the local program, they must fulfill the following obligations:
- Complete
and report 40* hours of leadership, program efforts, or community service
annually. *This is a reduction in previous hours to be consistent with
other ambassador programs.
- Attend
a Regional Healthy Texas Youth Ambassador Summit in a location nearest to
- Attend face-to-face and online trainings
- Remain academically eligible.
- Must agree to the obligations and requirements outlined in the HT Youth Ambassador Handbook.
- Ambassadorship is a 12-month commitment, beginning June 2020. Ambassadors who fulfill the minimum (40) hours of service will be invited to reapply for the following year. New and returning ambassadors MUST complete a new application annually.
- To meet
all commitments for which the Ambassador volunteers and to complete those
commitments with excellence.Interested youth will apply to the local office of Texas A&M AgriLife Extension no later than May 1. Ambassadors should be selected by a local committee and be notified of acceptance by June 1. Those selected will be expected to attend one of the following regional trainings. Locations and registration processes of trainings will be announced at a later date.Central Region: July 22East Region: June 23North Region: July 21South Region: July 24Southeast Region: June 30West Region: June 30
Submit applications to: Victoria.grissom@ag.tamu.edu or comal-tx@tamu.edu
Link to Application: https://healthytexas.tamu.edu/files/2020/03/2020-HTYA-Handbook_FINAL.pdf
Link to more information: https://healthytexas.tamu.edu/resources/youth-ambassadors/