4-H is a community of young people across America who are learning leadership, citizenship, and life skills.
Contact Us...
If you have questions about the information posted below, send an email to the Comal County office of the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service at
Comal-tx@tamu.edu or call (830) 620-3440. View the web site: http://comal.agrilife.org
Horse Validation deadline extended
Upon the recommendation of the Texas State 4-H Horse Show
Committee, we have decided to extend the horse validation deadline to May 16th.
The price will also remain at $10/horse until validation closes. We
anticipate that the committee will be able to make a more informed decision
about the State 4-H Horse Show at the beginning of May, and the plan will be
communicated to you and the horse families as soon as it is solidified.
It is our hope that this change in validation will alleviate some of the
anxiety for families and allow them the time needed to make the best decision
for them. We have received several questions about the possibility of
refunds for validation in the case of cancellations. We are in the
discussion process now with the 4-H office and the State 4-H Horse Show
Committee on the best plan of action for validation funds. We ask that
you please bear with us as we navigate an everchanging and difficult
situation. Please know that we are committed to the 4-H horse project and
working together to achieve the best possible outcome for the youth
involved. We will be in touch at the beginning of May with a plan of