We are offering a virtual Hatching in the Classroom
experience to any family within Comal County interested in participating. The
program will include 21 slides featuring daily development of the chicks,
access to our YouTube channel with videos explaining the incubation process,
setting eggs, candling eggs and the hatched chicks, curriculum enrichment
calendar, and activities and worksheets for your children. We hope you will
consider including this as part of your remote learning experience.
The link to sign up can be found on our Hatching in
the Classroom website: https://comal.agrilife.org/4-hyouth/hatching-in-the-classroom/.
Please share this with any family who you think might be interested. Email
Victoria Grissom (victoria.grissom@ag.tamu.edu)
or Rachel Hall (rachel.hall@ag.tamu.edu)
with questions.