Our first virtual Hatching in the Classroom experience
came to an end this past week with 12 chicks hatching! The program is open to
anyone interested in participating. In addition to cute, newly hatched chicks,
you will have access to the curriculum, and can access the resources at your
own convenience. We hope you will consider including this as part of your
remote learning experience. The link to sign up can be found on our Hatching in
the Classroom website: https://comal.agrilife.org/4-hyouth/hatching-in-the-classroom/.
Rachel also teamed up with the Mammen Family Public
Library to host an online Hatching in the Classroom program via Zoom. This is a
three-week program that meets on Tuesdays at 3:30 pm. There are two sessions
left, the 19th and the 26th, including conducting our
second egg candling, learning about the different breeds we are incubating, and
throwing a celebratory party for the newly hatched chicks! We had so much fun
the first week with attendees having the opportunity to draw pictures of what
they imagined the chicks will look like and ask questions about the incubation
process. The link to sign up can be found on the Mammen Family Public Library
website: https://mfplibrary.libcal.com/event/6698791.
Please share this with any family who you think might
be interested. Email Rachel Hall (rachel.hall@ag.tamu.edu) with questions.
Drawing of a chick
and the steps in the incubation process. Drawn by Allison.