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2021 Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo Junior Commercial Steer Show

The Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo will be limiting the amount of the exhibitors in the Junior Commercial Steer Program for the 2021 Show. This decision was made due to facility and time limitations we have in conducting this contest. The first 160 contestants to submit an intent form will have a space reserved in the contest.

Electronic submission of intent forms will open Aug. 17, 2020 and will remain open until the deadline to submit intent forms of Sept. 15, or until we reach 160 contestants, whichever comes first. Once an exhibitor has received confirmation of a space being reserved in the program, they will be able to purchase their steers. Ear tags will be mailed to the exhibitor to include as the tag number for scale tickets. Each pen of steer will consist of three steers as in past years.

Additional information regarding scale ticket processes, the rules and the record book will be posted to the Livestock Exhibitor page of the website.

Should you have any new exhibitors for 2021 that you would like to add to the contact list, please email their information to with the subject line of "New JCS Exhibitor".