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Virtual Texas 4-H Congress

While we can't learn about the Texas Government with a couple hundred 4-H youth in Austin this summer, we CAN learn virtually from a Texas Congressional member, a Lobbyist, and a Governmental Staffer on Facebook Live! We can also learn about what a bill is, how to write a bill, and what the Press Corps and Lobbyist positions look like for the 2022 Texas 4-H Congress in our zoom sessions led by Texas 4-H Council members and 4-H faculty! Even better - we CAN review bills written by 4-H youth that had already been submitted for the 2020 Congress. Additionally, if you or your 4-H'ers were Governor for a day, what would YOU support?  

Join us on Facebook Live Monday July 13th, Tuesday July 14th, and Wednesday July 15th at 10 AM on the Texas 4-H Facebook Page for live interviews with leaders in our Texas government as mentioned above. What have your 4-H youth always wanted to ask someone who works in our Texas government? You and your 4-H'ers can submit the questions we will actually ask in the live Interviews!  

Then, join us on Zoom at 10:45 AM Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday to learn more about Texas 4-H Congress and allow your youth to discuss submitted bills as if they were the 2020 Texas 4-H Congress Governor. Participation is NOT limited to 4-H members. 

Keep a watch on social media later this week for the announcement of who we will be interviewing.  

Submit questions and register for the sessions at 

The Zoom session links will be sent to registrants on the mornings of July 13, 14, and 15. 
Please note that this event is not limited to senior aged 4-H members only as Congress would have been. Both the Facebook live interviews and Zoom sessions are open to youth and adults, not just 4-H youth, of all ages. Some of the topics discussed may not be as captivating for junior aged youth as we will be addressing some of the actual bills submitted for Congress on the Zoom calls, but all youth and adults are welcome to attend.