The Gruene Kountry 4-H Club met on Sunday, November 15 at the Extension Office amphitheater.
There were 41 people in attendance: 30 members, 10 adults, and 1 sibling.
After our business meeting, we listened to a presentation by our guest speaker, Dr. Steven Golla. He talked to us about Emotional Intelligence and leadership. He taught us that our thoughts have to travel through the part of the brain that controls our feelings. We can let our emotions affect our thoughts and words. We learned some strategies that even the marines use to help us in stressful situations, like counting and taking deep breaths. We are all different types of leaders, but we can all use these strategies to be better at everything we do. We also we collected Thanksgiving food items for Moms of NB Uncensored Thanksgiving Food Drive.
Our next meeting is our Christmas party on Dec. 13.
Submitted by Kendall Kreusler, reporter