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District 10 4-H Council Officer Election

District 4-H Council officers are elected during District Leadership Lab on June 23-25, 2021 at the Texas 4-H Center in Brownwood, TX. Job descriptions for each office are attached along with the District Bylaws. Any 4-H’er who has ATTENDED LEADERSHIP LAB AT LEAST ONE YEAR PRIOR TO THIS YEAR is eligible to seek an office. *Members who attended our virtual District Officer Elections on June 25, 2020 are also eligible.

• How to Apply: Qualified delegates interested in seeking Council office must apply by completing the application on the District 10 Website starting May 18, 2021 and Submitting no later than MAY 31, 2021. Application can be found at Applications will be accepted online only, and it is the candidate’s responsibility to ensure their application was received. No late applications accepted.

• Process: Following application, candidates will need to prepare: (1) Speech about why they would like to run for District Office, (1) Campaign Poster that will be displayed at Leadership lab, and lastly the candidate will participate in a question/answer session in front of the voting delegates following speeches. Candidates will be sent a list of potential questions at the beginning of June. Each candidate will be asked 2 questions from the list and one question that is not on the list.

• Campaign Materials: Candidates who apply will be allowed to bring ONE poster board size (22 inches X 28 inches) campaign poster to Lab! They are also allowed to create a “digital” poster to be submitted to the District Office to be shared on social media. No other campaign materials will be allowed, i.e. candy, flyers, gum, other giveaways etc.

Elected District/State Officers: REQUIRED WORKSHOPS/TRAINING

The District Council President and 1st Vice-President also serve as members of the Texas 4-H State Council and must be 16 years of age and not reached their 19th birthday on or before August 31, 2021. In addition, they must be a student in 10th, 11th, or 12th grade the year they are serving on council.