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VOTE : 2021-2022 Texas 4-H Council At-Large Election Ballot

Our 2021-2022 At Large Delegate Presentations are now posted on our Texas 4-H YouTube channel at


There are 11 candidates. The video includes their presentations and then the impromptu Q&A sessions at the end of the video. The video is only 35 minutes, so not a long watch. We encourage all 4-H members to review the presentations before casting their vote. 

Voting will open on Friday, June 4 - Wednesday, June 9 through 4HOnline. Voting is open to ALL Senior level (9th-12th grade as of 9/1/2020 members). Members will select “2021-2022 Ballot: Texas 4-H Council At-Large Election” in the event list.

Members should vote on their top 6 candidates in rank order. There are 6 drop down menus, each contains all 11 names of the candidates. You may only vote for a candidate ONE TIME.  Any ballots with a candidate selected more than once will have the ENTIRE BALLOT DELETED and will not be considered. Also, You MUST SELECT 6 Candidates for your Ballot to be considered.