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Comal 4-H Dance Fundraiser (June 17) & Sponsorships

Time to get the word out and collect as many sponsors and silent auction donors as possible!

Distribute the flyers to all the local businesses. You can print by clicking on each flyer. If you need help with printing for distribution, contact our office at 830-620-3440.

Reach out to as many businesses as possible to sponsor the event or to donate items for the silent auction. Along with the flyers, you will also need to give the sponsor/donor the Memorandum available here.

Don't forget! You need to help us keep track with all the sponsors/donors by entering their information on our spreadsheet available here Comal County 4-H Dance Fundraiser Sponsors and Silent Auction

All you need to ask a potential sponsor if they would like to be one of the following sponsors

Gold Level costs $500. They will receive a reserved table with 6 tickets to the event, Facebook Recognition, and their Logo printed on our banner that is used throughout next year's (2023-2024) events.

Silver Level costs $300. They will receive Facebook Recognition, their logo on our banner, and 4 tickets to the event.

Bronze Level costs $100. They will receive Facebook Recognition, and a small logo printed on our banner.

Don't forget to ask if they would like to donate something to the silent auction that will help to promote their business also.